Welcome to my chaos

 Hello dear friend, and welcome. Let me introduce myself. My name is Avonelle and I am a Catholic wife and mother. I find joy in God's creations and I am constantly overwhelmed by the blessings our great creater bestows upon my family. 

My husband Steve and I have been married for 11 years. He has put up with all of my crazy requests, from building multiple raised garden beds, to putting a chicken coop in our back yard and keeping way too many chickens... because, chicken math, am I right? Anyway, Steve supports me and is always up for a new adventure. I thank God for knowing I needed a man like him. 

Our 2 daughters, Vivienne (13) and Eleanor (10) keep us incredibly busy. They are both currently playing soccer, and it takes up almost every week night. I love that they are active, but my goodness, it never slows down! Viv played softball earlier this summer, and as soon as soccer season ends, Ellie will be back on the ice figure skating. We also homeschool and have started our 4th year this week. I love the independence they have found and all that they learn outside of their bookwork. How do we manage? It's a juggling act, that's for sure. 

This summer has been full of fun and adventure and that included adding a 25x30 ft garden to our yard in town. My dream is to have an all "edible" yard. I cannot stand grass and would get rid of all of it if I could, but then where would the dogs use the bathroom? So I guess I won't get rid of all of the yard... yet.... plus like I said we live in town and I am not sure about how the neighborhood would feel about our yard becoming a food forest. 

I have not always love plants and being in the garden, but something about pulling weeds as an adult has become therapeutic. I kid you not, the first thing I do when I get home from work is kick off my shoes and walk through my garden barefoot, offer prayers of thanksgiving and just find my peace. Oh, did I not mention that I work full time? Sincerely, my life is chaos haha.

That brings us the the reason I started this page. I have been told by several friends that I have knowledge I should share, so here it is. I am going to compile my favorite recipes, tricks, tips, plant knowledge and whatever else seems helpful right here. 

Thanks for joining the journey. Please know that I will be praying for you and hope you find value in all that is shared. ❤️


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